Parish Council

The Parish Council meetings for 2025 are shown below.  The Parish Council will do its best to keep to these dates but they might have to change due to Councillor availability or urgent planning applications..

17th February 2025, 

12th May 2025 (Financial Year End / Full Council Annual Meeting),

 7th July 2025 

3rd November 2025  (2026 Budget and Precept Setting).

The agendas and associated papers can be found on the next page of this website. Meetings are held at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall.

The Parish News is issued to the village after each six-weekly Council meeting by e-mail: contact the Clerk to join the paper circulation. You can download a copy from the next page of documents.

The current Parish Councillors are: Ann Newcombe (Chairman), Richard Anderson, Helen Sharpe and Esmond Black. 

The quorum for meetings is 3 Councillors , currently (December 2024) there is one vacancy for Parish Councillor.  

Anyone Interested in becoming a Councillor should contact the Clerk as below.

To be a councillor you need to : be at least 18 years old, a British citizen, an eligible Commonwealth citizen or a citizen of any other member state of the European Union, and meet at least one of the following four qualifications:

Contact the Clerk Sandra Langthorne, East Harlsey Parish Council, email